Thursday, September 29, 2011

Strange Stranger

Mum and I went to the bank the other day. Just before heading back home we decided to grab a munch at McDonald's to feed our hungry worms. Before queuing at the counter we first went inside the washroom. Then mum decides to order while I went and find us a table.

As I sat waiting for mum, I heard a low voice of a guy from behind me asking "Are you from xxxx?" And again says the same words as I turned my head to realize it was me he was asking those questions. I thought of asking him again coz for a moment my mind went blank. His questions weren't
so hard at all but suddenly I could not grasp the words to answer him. He then explained that I looked so familiar, asked for my name and where I'm working and if that's my mum I'm with.Then suddenly walks away when mum came.

Honestly, I got a bit scared. Okay, I am paranoid... the feeling of suddenly getting scared and went blank was because while I was answering his queries half of my mind was thinking that it might be a tactic of these guys. Well you can't blame me coz lately I've been seeing news in the TV with incidents at restaurants and shops where vicious people are acting up like they're good guys.

Mum asked me who that guy was and what was he up to. She says she already noticed that guy looking at me or us when we entered McDonalds, the washroom and while we are looking for vacant seats. I noticed him only that time when my eyes got so busy searching for unoccupied seats.

As I was telling my mum what this stranger asked me and what I suddenly felt at that moment, I realized that I was not having anything in my pocket nor a bag with phones and wallet in it. I left my fones at home, not a single penny is with me too. Literally, I was sitting there with nothing. Just a plastic bag where mum kept one unimportant thing and an umbrella. So if the guy was a bad guy, he was just wasting his time on me. HeeHee.

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